directed by GXThis
Lifedesign’s Giovanna Winetzki brings quirk to our screens in her directorial debut. In collaboration with THIS duo Gareth Paul and David Schild. This 2 part TVC for bulk-email-and-SMS provider Everlytic, pokes at the very human irritation and void of privacy that telephonic sales calls inhabit in our lives.
Directors: Giovanna Winetzki | Gareth Paul | David Schild
Producer: Linda Notelovitz
DOP: Miles Goodall
1st AD: Vinca Cox
Art Direction: Keenan McAdam
Wardrobe: Hannah Smith
HMU: Gerlia Groenewald
Editor: Xander van der, Strange Love Studios
Colourist: Michele Wilson, Ludus Post Production
Online: Simone de Ruyck
Sound Design + Mix: Jo Darling, Sterling Sound Studio
AGENCY: Brand Halo
MD: Dean Oelschig
Creative Director: Coenie Grebe
Agency Producer: Shanon Leicher
Copywriter: Klara Sebright