directed by GXThis
Lifedesign’s Giovanna Winetzki brings quirk to our screens in her directorial debut. In collaboration with THIS duo Gareth Paul and David Schild. This piece is the second TVC to release in a campaign for Everlytic, poking at the very human irritation and void of privacy that telephonic sales calls inhabit in our lives.
Directors: Giovanna Winetzki | Gareth Paul | David Schild
Producer: Linda Notelovitz
DOP: Miles Goodall
1st AD: Vinca Cox
Art Direction: Keenan McAdam
Wardrobe: Hannah Smith
HMU: Gerlia Groenewald
Editor: Xander van der, Strange Love Studios
Colourist: Michele Wilson, Ludus Post Production
Online: Simone de Ruyck
Sound Design + Mix: Jo Darling, Sterling Sound Studio
AGENCY: Brand Halo
MD: Dean Oelschig
Creative Director: Coenie Grebe
Agency Producer: Shanon Leicher
Copywriter: Klara Sebright